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The repository is a service of the Western Connecticut State University libraries. Research and scholarly output included here has been selected and deposited by the individual university departments and centers on campus.

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    The Effect of Mindfulness Coaching on Preservice Teachers' Self-Efficacy and Mindfulness Utilizing a Mixed-Reality Simulation Environment
    (Western CT State University, 2020-05-07) Taraz, Parvin K.
    The purpose of this study was to explore the effect of mindfulness coaching on preservice teachers’ self-efficacy and mindfulness, utilizing a mixed-reality simulation environment. Data was collected via a concurrent embedded mixed methods design. This study involved a treatment group of preservice teacher participants that received mindfulness coaching and a comparison group of preservice teacher participants that did not receive mindfulness coaching, within a mixed-reality simulation environment. Each preservice teacher participant completed the Mindful Attention Awareness Scale to measure mindfulness and the Teachers’ Sense of Efficacy Scale to measure self-efficacy as pretests and posttests. Participants were also interviewed. Findings were then analyzed and while there were no statistically significant quantitative results, qualitative analysis resulted in the following finding statement: Participating in a mixed-reality simulation environment influenced the teaching self-efficacy beliefs of preservice teachers and learning about mindfulness strategies while engaging in that process enabled preservice teachers to cope with in-the-moment stressors and consider ways to utilize mindfulness as classroom teachers.
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    Teacher Perceptions of Principal Support and Teacher Self-Efficacy
    (Western CT State University, 2022-06-15) Kuslis, Mykal
    Wellness is important in the discussion of successful teachers and the longevity of their careers. This mixed methods research study included teachers from the four regions of the United States. Three instruments were administered to explore the connections between demographic factors, personal wellness, and indicators of teacher burnout. Regression analyses included predictor variables of: teachers’ years of education experience, school socio-economic status (SES; Title 1 or non-Title 1), school setting (urban, suburban/rural), number of school activities outside of the primary teaching role, self-reported ability to manage stress, and six wellness factors to predict three subscales of burnout. Qualitative data from four open-ended items addressed teachers’ perceptions of wellness, stress, and burnout. A stepwise multiple linear regression indicated that psychological health and self-reported ability to manage stress predicted the mean score of emotional exhaustion, explaining 20% of the variance. Spiritual health and the number of schoolrelated activities outside of the primary teaching role predicted the mean score of depersonalization, with 27% of the variance explained. Intellectual and spiritual health predicted the mean score of personal accomplishment, explaining 42% of the variance. Individuals reported a variety of health enhancing behaviors in which they participated regularly, primarily related to physical health (i.e., diet and exercise). Teachers reported many stressors such as addressing the needs of students and parents. Reasons for leaving the profession prior to retirement included burnout, dealing with student and parent concerns, and resource-related issues. Some educators reported receiving no support from districts, others reported benefits from resource availability and positive administrators.
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    A Collective Case Study of Educational Servant-Leaders and Personal Growth
    (Western CT State University, 2020-04-07) D'Ascoli, Steven
    Today’s globally-recognized servant leadership philosophy was born from a series of essays written by Robert Greenleaf in the 1970s. In his manifesto, Greenleaf underscored how through the precedence of a desire to serve and then to lead, servant leaders are motivated to help meet the needs of others. Researchers identify various dimensions and characteristics of servant leadership and the servant leader, including a commitment to others’ personal growth. To further explore servant leadership and the personal growth phenomenon within the context of education, an exploratory collective case study addresses how servant leader principals and superintendents understand and facilitate the personal growth of those they serve. Data collected for the study is from questionnaire and semi-structured interviews the researcher developed. Through inductive and deductive data analysis, three conclusions emerged from the study: to facilitate the growth of others, educational servant-leaders (a) utilized emotional intelligence; (b) facilitated their leadership through the principles of a learning organization; and (c) utilized a variety of principles regarding motivation and learning. A discussion of the findings demonstrates that participant servant leaders instituted paradoxical approaches, which leveraged the polarity between individual and group to facilitate the growth of staff as well as their organizations.
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    Demographic Analysis of the Northern Diamondback Terrapin (Malacelmys Terrapin (Schoepff 1793)) in Connecticut
    (2024) Arnett, John Michael
    Malaclemys terrapin terrapin (northern diamondback terrapin) is the only turtle species in North America that primarily occupies brackish habitat. It is recognized as a keystone species because it helps maintain a sustainable estuarine ecosystem. Very little is known about the population size, demographics, and distribution of M. t. terrapin across coastal Connecticut. Using intensive trapping, I explored the status and threats of the Connecticut population of M. t. terrapin. I sampled nine subpopulations of M. t. terrapin representing diverse habitats along the Connecticut coast. Baited hoop nets and opportunistic catches were used for M. t. terrapin mark and recapture sampling between May - August of 2022 and 2023. Location, sex, and morphological data were recorded for 1,809 M. t. terrapins. The population of M. t. terrapin in Connecticut has a greater abundance of females compared to males, and subpopulations of M. t. terrapin consist of varying estimated population size and variable morphological characteristics, including subpopulations with significantly smaller female shell length and body mass. This study explores possible explanations for this variation.
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    Perceptions of Students of Color Enrolled in a Pre-Service Teacher Education Program
    (2024-04-03) Coronel, Jessica A.
    This study was used to explore the college experiences of students of color in an education program at a public university in the Northeast. More than ever, there is a need for teachers of color due to the continuous increase of students of color in the country. This study followed an exploratory qualitative case study research design. Data were collected during the Spring 2023 semester. The sample included 20 full-time undergraduate education students who self-identified as Asian American, Black/African American, or Hispanic/Latino at a teacher education university in the Northeast. The instruments included a student demographics questionnaire and an open-ended interview. A thematic analysis approach was used to analyze the data. Five themes emerged from the data: Characteristics of Educators of Color, Education Career Motivators, Education Program Pros, Career Deterrent for an Education Major, and Ideas to Recruit and Retain Pre-service Teachers of Color. The results of this study provided suggestions to recruit, support, and retain students of color in teacher education.