The effects of gender and facial expressions on human interaction
Husvar, Brian
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Item Type
human interaction , facial expressions , gender , interaction , Likert scales
Alternative Title
This experiment explores the effects of a supermarket clerk's facial expression and the effects of the clerk's gender on the subsequent interaction between the clerk and customer. One hypothesis of this experiment was that a man's facial expressions would have a diminishing effect on the perceived quality of the interaction compared to a woman's facial expression. A second hypothesis was that a negative facial expression would have a diminishing effect on the perceived quality of the interaction, on the length of the interaction, and the possibility of a second interaction, compared to a positive facial expression. Participants viewed one of six photos of a retail clerk. The subjects viewed either a male clerk with either a positive, neutral, or negative facial expression, or a female clerk with either a positive, neutral, or negative facial expression, and were asked to rate the photos on various Likert scales. There were significant main effects for facial expression and gender, but no interaction effects.